Wie is wie
Mieke Schrooten
Docente, onderzoekster en ankerpersoon internationalisering
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
- mieke.schrooten@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderwijsteam Sociaal Werk - Campus Brussel
- Lid Kernteam Sociaal Werk - Campus Brussel
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Onderzoeksgroep Sociaal-Agogisch Werk
- Ankerpersoon Internationalisering Sociaal Werk - Campus Brussel
Publications - results
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Keynote: Blended community service-learning in transnationaal perspectief (opens in a new window)Service-learning en diversiteit in een grootstedelijke context, Date: 2021/03/04 - 2021/03/04, Location: Online
Ervaringskennis in Community Service Learning (opens in a new window)Service-learning in/met de buurt, Date: 2022/11/25 - 2022/11/25, Location: Gent
Samenwerken met informele spelers (opens in a new window)Studiedag eenzaamheid en sociaal isolement, Date: 2021/10/21 - 2021/10/21, Location: Brussel
Informal welfare: Immigrant associations as arrival infrastructure for mobile people (opens in a new window)IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration, Diversity and Cities, Date: 2017/06/28 - 2017/06/30, Location: Rotterdam
Collecting data online: An exploration of ethical issues in e-research (opens in a new window)American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Date: 2013/11/20 - 2013/11/24, Location: Chicago
Shaping boundaries in a border city: The case of Palmas, Brazil (opens in a new window)Migration and intercultural identities in relation to border regions, Date: 2010/05/27 - 2010/05/29, Location: Kortrijk: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Mediated togetherness: The use of new media among Brazilian migrants in Belgium (opens in a new window)Seminário de Estudos sobre a Imigração Brasileira na Europa, Date: 2012/06/04 - 2012/06/06, Location: Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisbon
As associações no contexto da migração brasileira na Bélgica: entre solidariedade e competição (opens in a new window)Seminário de Estudos sobre a Imigração Brasileira na Europa, Date: 2012/06/04 - 2012/06/06, Location: Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisbon
Crossing borders: transnational practices of Brazilians in Belgium (opens in a new window)Contested mobility: People, commodities and policies across Latin America and the Caribbean, Date: 2011/10/13 - 2011/10/14, Location: University Leiden
Stedelijk sociaal-agogisch werk met transmigranten (opens in a new window)Expertgroep cultuurgevoelige jeugdhulp, Date: 2014/06/23 - 2014/06/23, Location: Brussel
The racial democracy myth in Palmas, Brazil (opens in a new window)Latin America: Internal political changes in an interdependent world, Date: 2008/12/09 - 2008/12/09, Location: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Transmigratie: Hulp verlenen in een wereld van superdiversiteit (opens in a new window)Wijkgezondheidscentrum De Central vzw, Date: 2016/04/14 - 2016/04/14, Location: Leuven
Migration is often transmigration: New challenges to social work (opens in a new window)International week Hogeschool Utrecht: Challenges of social work, Date: 2017/03/06 - 2017/03/10, Location: Utrecht
Invisible welfare: An exploration of informal arrival infrastructures in Brussels (opens in a new window)IMASP Meeting: Social work with refugees: emerging prospects in education, research and practice, Date: 2018/03/05 - 2018/03/06, Location: Neuchâtel
Migration is often transmigration: New challenges in social work (opens in a new window)International week Hogeschool Utrecht: Challenges of social work, Date: 2018/03/05 - 2018/03/09, Location: Utrecht
De kracht van collectieve (zelf)organisatie rond zorg (opens in a new window)Eerstelijnsmeeting 2019 - de gezonde stad, Date: 2019/03/21 - 2019/03/21, Location: Brussel
Stilzitten??? Zeker niet. Een kijk op het schaduwwerk dat vele vrouwen met een migratieachtergrond doen (opens in a new window)Zoekconferentie Elk talent telt, Date: 2019/05/27 - 2019/06/11, Location: Antwerpen
Key note: Social work on the move: Challenging and crossing borders and boundaries (opens in a new window)TISSA Plenum Conference: Challenging Social Work: Borders, Boundaries and Bridges, Date: 2019/08/19 - 2019/08/21, Location: München
Transmigration and (in)formal arrival infrastructures (opens in a new window)Social work in urban areas (joint semester programme, hosted by Artevelde University of Applied Sciences ), Location: Ghent
Sociaalwerkpraktijken in religieuze organisaties: Zo helpe u God? (opens in a new window)Sociaal schaduwwerk, Location: Antwerpen
Sociaal schaduwwerk (opens in a new window)Ledendag Minderhedenforum: Onze kracht, onze toekomst, Location: Leuven
Gelijkwaardige partnerschappen (opens in a new window)Ledendag Minderhedenforum: Onze kracht, onze toekomst, Location: Leuven
Making visible the invisible: Sofa surfing amongst young people in Europe (opens in a new window)Youth Care Platform & ENSA Working Groups Youth, Child & Family: Project Development Workshop, Location: Brussels
Sociaal Schaduwwerk: informele spelers in het welzijnslandschap (opens in a new window)Tussen de Soep en de Feiten, Location: Online
De plek van informele spelers in een wijkenbeleid (opens in a new window)Online-stedentocht: Oproep voor een nieuw wijkenbeleid, Location: Online
Informele partners in een formeel kader: Wat met burgerinitiatieven? (opens in a new window)Open Inspiria: Hybridisering: what's in a name?, Location: Brussel
Social work across borders: Developing transnationally embedded social work (opens in a new window)European Conference for Social Work Research, Date: 2022/04/06 - 2022/04/08, Location: Amsterdam
Symposium: Informal social protection as a neglected yet promising field: Evidence from the Low Countries (opens in a new window)European Conference for Social Work Research, Date: 2022/04/06 - 2022/04/08, Location: Amsterdam
Urban diversities: Internationale competenties rond stedelijk sociaal werk (opens in a new window)Studievoormiddag internationale competenties, Location: Online
Samen en Divers: Uitdagingen in pedagogisch en sociaal werk onderzoek: Slotdebat (opens in a new window)Samen en Divers: Uitdagingen in pedagogisch en sociaal werk onderzoek, Date: 2022/09/16 - 2022/09/16, Location: Antwerpen
The critical role of the third sector in the Ukraine crisis across Europe (opens in a new window)ISTR: 16th International Conference, Date: 2024/07/16 - 2024/07/19, Location: Antwerp
The role of civil society organisations in the support of people in hidden homelessness: the case of Brussels (opens in a new window)18th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Crossing borders, connecting cultures, Date: 2021/07/07 - 2021/07/09, Location: Luxembourg
Creating diverse-sensitive higher education through a CoP: A narrative multi-perspective review (opens in a new window)EAPRIL 2022: From formal education to continuous learning, Date: 2022/11/23 - 2022/11/25, Location: Nijmegen
Defining transnational families across countries, time and disciplines: Analysis of academic discourse on the phenomenon between 2003 and 2023 (opens in a new window)16th ESA Conference: Tension, trust and transformation, Date: 2024/08/27 - 2024/08/30, Location: Porto
The impact of the new EU pact on migration and asylum on transnational families (opens in a new window)21st IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration as a Social Construction:, Date: 2024/07/02 - 2024/07/05, Location: Lisbon
A secret that binds: Hopes and realities amongst Brazilian migrants in Belgium (opens in a new window)Latin America at a crossroads: Between globalisation and regionalisation, Date: 2013/05/23 - 2013/05/24, Location: Dublin
Bridging borders: Brazilian migrants' online togetherness (opens in a new window)Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact, Date: 2012/07/08 - 2012/07/12, Location: Stockholm
Mediated networks: Brazilian migrants’ online togetherness (opens in a new window)Todos somos migrantes: Long-distance and local contacts of Latin American migrants, Date: 2012/03/23 - 2012/03/23, Location: Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation, Amsterdam
A translocal, transnational and diasporic ‘home’? Brazilian migrants in an era of globalization (opens in a new window)Migration and the Global City, Date: 2010/10/29 - 2010/10/30, Location: Toronto
Virtual migrant communities: 'Orkut' and the Brazilian case (opens in a new window)Beyond methodological nationalism: Identifying methodological problems and solutions within transnational migration research, Date: 2010/04/29 - 2010/04/30, Location: Bielefeld: the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Bielefeld University
Crossing borders, super diverse trajectories: the lived experiences of Brazilians on the move (opens in a new window)Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences day, Date: 2016/05/25 - 2016/05/25, Location: Leuven
Complexe migratiepatronen kleuren de leefwereld van transmigranten (opens in a new window)Werken met transmigranten: Uitdagingen en kansen voor werkveld en beleid, Date: 2015/01/23 - 2015/01/23, Location: Brussel
Migranten zijn vaker transmigranten: Nieuwe uitdagingen voor sociale professionals (opens in a new window)Onderwijsdag Odisee,Karel de Grote Hogeschool en Hogeschool Rotterdam: Socio- en interculturele diversiteit, Date: 2017/01/13 - 2017/01/13, Location: Brussels
De spanning tussen informele en formele zorg: transmigratie en hulpverlening in Vlaanderen (opens in a new window)Dealing with diversity in care: challenges for professionals and policies, Date: 2017/01/18 - 2017/01/18, Location: Amsterdam
Ethical issues in online qualitative inquiry (opens in a new window)European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Date: 2017/02/07 - 2017/02/10, Location: Leuven
Nieuwe media: een andere beleving en organisatie van de eigen migratie (opens in a new window)Bachelor Na Bachelor Intercultureel Management Cimic, Date: 2017/02/21 - 2017/02/21, Location: Mechelen
Zelforganisaties in het welzijnslandschap: Het perspectief van transmigranten (opens in a new window)Denkmoment: De samenwerking welzijnssector - zelforganisaties etnisch-culturele minderheden, Date: 2017/09/18 - 2017/09/18, Location: Brussel
Transnationality as a key topic for social work: Emerging practices in Belgium (opens in a new window)European Conference for Social Work Research, Date: 2018/04/18 - 2018/04/20, Location: Edinburgh
Factoring the 'transnational' into social work education: promises, pitfalls, ways ahead (opens in a new window)European Conference for Social Work Research, Date: 2018/04/18 - 2018/04/20, Location: Edinburgh
Identity politics in a Brazilian border city (opens in a new window)Diasporas, migration and identities: Crossing boundaries, new directions, Date: 2009/06/11 - 2009/06/12, Location: Guildford: University of Surrey
Crossing borders, super diverse trajectories: the lived experiences of Brazilians on the move (opens in a new window)1st Annual CESSMIR Conference: Needs and Care Practices for Refugees and Migrants, Date: 2018/09/17 - 2018/09/19, Location: Ghent
Understanding Welfare Trajectories: Bricolage among transmigrants in Brussels (opens in a new window)[Dis-]Organisation and [De-]Institutionalisation in Social Work and Social Pedagogy, Date: 2018/09/20 - 2018/09/21, Location: Salzburg
Transmigratie: debat en uitdagingen voor sociale dienstverlening (opens in a new window)Actuele Veiligheidsproblemen: lezingenreeks uAntwerpen, Date: 2019/03/14 - 2019/03/14, Location: Antwerpen
From transnational social work to border-crossing social work: Challenging existing frameworks (opens in a new window)European Conference for Social Work Research 2019, Date: 2019/04/10 - 2019/04/12, Location: Leuven
Schaduwwerk (opens in a new window)Verbondenheid in superdiversiteit, Date: 2019/06/20 - 2019/06/20, Location: Brussel
Brussels for newcomers: Exploring Brussels, its arrival neighbourhoods and arrival infrastructures (opens in a new window)Summer school: Refugee children and families in Europe: Social work and counselling, Location: Brussels
Migratiedynamieken in de stad (opens in a new window)Interstedelijk overleg regio noord, Location: Aalst
Kansenstructuur in aankomstwijken (opens in a new window)Sectordag Samenlevingsopbouw: Aandachtsgebieden versterken, Date: 2019/12/06 - 2019/12/06, Location: Brussel
Sociaal schaduwwerk en de rol van verbinders en voorportalen (opens in a new window)Thuis in de sociale basis in ontwikkelbuurten, Date: 2019/12/12 - 2019/12/12, Location: Amsterdam
Netwerkversterking: theorie en praktijk (opens in a new window)Jonge nieuwkomers in Brussel, Date: 2020/03/06 - 2020/03/06, Location: Anderlecht
Sociaal schaduwwerk: Solidariteit, engagement en de verhouding tot beleid (opens in a new window)Diverse Noen: Intern Lerend Netwerk van de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Date: 2020/11/17 - 2020/11/17, Location: Online
Panel: Erkennen van de eigenheid van partners die betekenisvol zijn voor mensen met een migratie-achtergrond (opens in a new window)Netwerkdag: Mensen insluiten, armoede uitsluiten, Location: Turnhout
Vitale coalities tussen formele en informele sociaalwerkpraktijken ondersteunen (opens in a new window)Inleidend webinar voor de zoekconferentie 'Samen verder zoeken naar werkbare formele en informele Brusselse sociaalwerkpraktijken', Location: Online
‘Hellooooooooooooooo everyone!’: online encounters of Brazilians on the move (opens in a new window)18th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Crossing borders, connecting cultures, Date: 2021/07/07 - 2021/07/09, Location: Luxembourg
Qualitative study on how women (re)build a ‘home’ in Belgium after fleeing their homeland (opens in a new window)First conference of the Belgian Homelessness Research Network, Location: Brussels
Werk maken van inclusie (opens in a new window)Sociaalwerkconferentie 2022: Sociaal werk doet ertoe, Location: Antwerpen
Community Service Learning en onderzoek: Een beloftevolle match? (opens in a new window)Samen en divers: Uitdagingen in pedagogisch en sociaal werk onderzoek, Date: 2022/09/16 - 2022/09/16, Location: Antwerpen
Transnational family dynamics in Europe (opens in a new window)The 20th IMISCOE annual conference: Migration and inequalities. In search of answers and solutions, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/07/06, Location: Warsaw
Private accommodation of Ukrainian refugees in Belgium and Switzerland (opens in a new window)The 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration and inequalities. In search of answers and solutions, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/07/06, Location: Warsaw
Psychodrama (opens in a new window)Social Action in Europe: Sustainable Social Development and Economic Challenges, Date: 2011/04/10 - 2011/04/13, Location: Université Libre de Bruxelles
De betekenis van de stadsbuurt en de verbinding met informele netwerken (opens in a new window)Studiedag eenzaamheid en sociaal isolement, Date: 2021/10/21 - 2021/10/21, Location: Brussel
Blended Community Service Learning in complex urban settings: Global pandemic mirrors opportunities and threats (opens in a new window)International week of the Hellenic Mediterranean University: Social work education in a global pandemic: opportunities and threats, Date: 2021/05/23 - 2021/05/29, Location: Crete
Involving urban residents in an international blended learning course: Challenges and opportunities for social work education (opens in a new window)European Conference on Social Work Education: Innovation and Resilience: Preparedness of Social Work Education in Uncertain Times, Date: 2021/06/15 - 2021/06/18, Location: Tallinn / Online
Ukrainian refugees in Europe: Interdisciplinary perspectives from across the continent (opens in a new window)Ukrainian un/certainties: Mobilities, memories and representation in times of war, Date: 2024/11/14 - 2024/11/15, Location: Berlin
Transmigrants in superdivers cities: A challenge for urban social policy (opens in a new window)Metropolis 2014. Migrations: Energy for the planet, feeding cultures, Date: 2014/11/03 - 2014/11/07, Location: Milan, Italy
Transmigration as a methodological challenge to urban social work (opens in a new window)European Conference fo Social Work Research, Date: 2015/04/22 - 2015/04/24, Location: Ljubljana, Slovenië
Thinking and acting globally and locally? Emerging transnational social work practices in Belgium (opens in a new window)IMISCOE Annual Conference, Date: 2016/06/30 - 2016/07/02, Location: Prague
Urban social work with transmigrants: The case of Brazilians in Belgium (opens in a new window)Seminário de Estudos sobre Migração Brasileira na Europa, Date: 2014/04/04 - 2014/04/05, Location: Institute of Education, University of London
Transmigrancy as a challenge or an opportunity: The use of transnational social networks by newcomers in Belgium (opens in a new window)Making the most of migration, Date: 2014/05/23 - 2014/05/23, Location: Brussels
Steden in transitie en transmigratie (opens in a new window)Bon Academy, Date: 2015/06/01 - 2015/06/01, Location: Brussels
When migration becomes transmigration: New challenges to social professionals (opens in a new window)TiSSA Conference: Social Work as a Forum for Democracy, Date: 2016/08/22 - 2016/08/24, Location: Ghent
Transmigratie. Hulp verlenen in een wereld van superdiversiteit (opens in a new window)Leeskring Instituut voor Social Work, Date: 2017/01/10 - 2017/01/10, Location: Hogeschool Utrecht
Transnational social work practice in a mobile world (opens in a new window)Bewegungen: Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, Date: 2018/03/18 - 2018/03/21, Location: Essen
Dialoogtafel: Laten we er geen doekjes omwinden (opens in a new window)Onderwijsdag Studiegebied gezondheidszorg Odisee, Date: 2018/02/01 - 2018/02/01
Crossing Borders (opens in a new window)Studievoormiddag Virtual Mobility, Location: Online
Thuis aan de hogeschool: Op weg naar een inclusiever Odisee (opens in a new window)Odisee-dag, Date: 2022/09/08 - 2022/09/08, Location: Aalst
Gelijkere onderwijskansen creëren door een inclusieve lespraktijk (opens in a new window)Odisee-dag, Date: 2022/09/08 - 2022/09/08, Location: Aalst
Sociaal schaduwwerk: Kunstproject rond koloniaal monument (opens in a new window)Trefdag Socius 2019, Location: Mechelen
Sociaal schaduwwerk: Welcome in Mechelen (opens in a new window)Trefdag Socius 2019, Location: Mechelen
Finding common ground: Solidarity in religious initiatives (opens in a new window)12th European Conference for Social Work Research, Date: 2023/04/12 - 2023/04/14, Location: Milan
Brussels based CSOs and the support for (hidden) homeless people (opens in a new window)International Social Work Education and Development Online Conference 2021, Date: 2021/03/16 - 2021/03/18, Location: Online
Verborgen thuisloosheid in Brussel: wat woontrajecten ons leren (opens in a new window)Rechtvaardigheid als missie: sociaal werk (onderzoek) en een rechtvaardige samenleving, Date: 2024/09/19 - 2024/09/20, Location: Rotterdam
”Proefwonen”: A pilot housing with support project for people with disabilities and /or mental health needs (opens in a new window)Integrated housing and services for people with support needs, Date: 2014/05/06 - 2014/05/06, Location: Brussels
Transmigratie. De uitdaging van complexe migratiepatronen en tijdelijkheid voor hulpverlening (opens in a new window)Vierde middag van de superdiversiteit, Date: 2015/12/08 - 2015/12/08, Location: KdG, Antwerpen
Social work with transmigrants. Emerging transnational social work practices (opens in a new window)IMISCOE Workshop: Return Migration, Circular Migration and Social Work – An Emerging Field of Practice, Date: 2015/10/15 - 2015/10/16, Location: Malmö
Transmigration as a methodological challenge to urban social work in super-divers cities (opens in a new window)Superdiversity: Theory, method and practice in an era of change, Date: 2014/06/23 - 2014/06/25, Location: Birmingham
Social work and the challenges related to diversity in urban neighborhoods (opens in a new window)European Conference for Social Work Research 2019, Date: 2019/04/10 - 2019/04/12, Location: Leuven
Promises and pitfalls of informal social work practices (opens in a new window)First conference of the Belgian Homelessness Research Network, Location: Brussels
Brussel, netwerkstad in transitie (opens in a new window)Interne studiedag Brusselleer en Onderwijscentrum Brussel, Date: 2014/11/07 - 2014/11/07, Location: Brussels
Cities in transition and transmigration (opens in a new window)ISS International Week: Professional Identity in Social Work and Arts Therapies, Date: 2015/02/04 - 2015/02/06, Location: Nijmegen
Religieus en levensbeschouwelijk geïnspireerde solidariteitsinitiatieven als sociaal werkactoren (opens in a new window)1ste Onderzoeksdag Sociaal Werk Associatie KU Leuven, Location: Leuven
Capabilities en Ubuntu in informeel sociaal werk: Wat religieus geïnspireerde solidariteitsinitiatieven ons kunnen leren in een superdiverse stad (opens in a new window)Vlaams-Nederlandse conferentie Onderzoek Sociaal werk en Pedagogiek: Rechtvaardigheid als missie: sociaal werk (onderzoek) en een rechtvaardige samenleving, Date: 2024/09/19 - 2024/09/20, Location: Rotterdam
Findings from a mixed-methods research on the role of Brussels based civil society organisations in the support of (hidden) homeless people (opens in a new window)10th European Conference for Social Work Research, Date: 2021/05/05 - 2021/05/07, Location: Virtual conference
Religiously Inspired Solidarity in Brussels (opens in a new window)Believe in solidarity, Date: 2023/12/11 - 2023/12/13, Location: Antwerp
Proefwonen: Voorstelling van de resultaten van het onderzoeksproject en praktijkgids Proefwonen (opens in a new window)Proefwonen: Naar een betere begeleide toegang tot sociale huisvesting voor kwetsbare doelgroepen, Date: 2015/01/09 - 2015/01/09, Location: Brussel
De collective capabilities van informele spelers rond thuisloosheid in Brussel (opens in a new window)Vlaams-Nederlandse Conferentie Onderzoek Sociaal Werk en Pedagogiek: De vele gezichten van sociaal en pedagogisch werk: Door de lens van een grootstad, Date: 2023/09/14 - 2023/09/15, Location: Brussel
Projectvoorstelling proefwonen (opens in a new window)Overlegtafel “wonen met ondersteuning”, Date: 2015/01/30 - 2015/01/30, Location: Brugge
Sociaal-innovatieve grootstedelijke methodieken (opens in a new window)International Week, Date: 2015/03/01 - 2015/03/06, Location: Utrecht
Invisible welfare: An exploration of hidden arrival infrastructures in Brussels (opens in a new window)Urban Arrival Infrastructures, Date: 2015/12/10 - 2015/12/11, Location: Brussels
Collective capabilities of FBOs as transformative organisations (opens in a new window)HDCA Conference 2022 - Capabilities and Transformative Institutions, Date: 2022/09/19 - 2022/09/22, Location: Antwerp
Between Trust and Mistrust. The Relationship between Religious Inspired Solidarity Initiatives and the Government (opens in a new window)13th European Conference for Social Work Research, Date: 2024/04/17 - 2024/04/19, Location: Vilnius
Working in the name of God: Faith – Based organisations and poverty alleviation in Flanders (opens in a new window)European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR), Date: 2022/04/06 - 2022/04/08, Location: Amsterdam
Faith in public service: An institutional logics perspective on religious inspired solidarity initiatives and governmental engagement (opens in a new window)16th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research, Date: 2024/07/16 - 2024/07/19, Location: Antwerp
Mapping religion and worldview-based forms of local social support (opens in a new window)BABEL PhD Colloquium, Location: Online
Begging in Brussels: Figures and Lived Experiences of the People Involved (opens in a new window)13th European Conference for Social Work Research, Date: 2024/04/17 - 2024/04/19, Location: Vilnius
Mapping Gods* work (opens in a new window)Samen & Divers, Date: 2022/09/16 - 2022/09/16, Location: Antwerp
From Above, but Bottom up: Faith Based Solidarity Initiatives in the City (opens in a new window)RC21 Conference, Date: 2022/08/24 - 2022/08/26, Location: Athens
Mapping religion and worldview-based forms of local social support. (opens in a new window)Tissa Pre-PhD conference, Date: 2022/08/19 - 2022/08/21, Location: Ghent
Families hosting Ukrainian refugees in Belgium. Challenges for social work and policy (opens in a new window)12th European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR), Date: 2023/04/12 - 2023/04/14, Location: Milan, Italy
#PlekVrij: Een onderzoek naar de ervaringen van gastgezinnen van Oekraïense vluchtelingen in België (opens in a new window)1ste Onderzoeksdag Sociaal Werk Associatie KU Leuven, Location: Leuven
Community Service Learning en onderzoek: een beloftevolle match? (opens in a new window)Onderwijsdag student engagement, Location: Diepenbeek
Sociaal schaduwwerk (opens in a new window)Ontmoetingsdag onwettig verblijf, begeleiding en terugkeer, Location: Antwerpen
Keynote: Challenging the nature of educational practice: Experimenting with university–community partnerships (opens in a new window)Onderwijs Research Dagen: Escape the classroom, Date: 2022/07/06 - 2022/07/08, Location: Hasselt
Inclusief hoger onderwijs (opens in a new window)Netwerk- en beleidsdag, Date: 2022/11/22 - 2022/11/22, Location: Genk
Tips and tricks for the preparation of a COST action (opens in a new window)COST info day 2023, Location: Brussels
Community sponsorship, key to welcoming societies and access to housing (opens in a new window)IOM partner day, Location: Brussels
#togetherness: How social media transform human mobility (opens in a new window)Cambridge Digital Humanities Seminar I Browsed · Bridged · Beyond, Location: Online
Keynote: What migration means for (transnational) social work (opens in a new window)European Social Work Conference, Date: 2024/04/25 - 2024/04/26, Location: Bruges
Thuisloosheid in Brussel (opens in a new window)Armoede en Thuisloosheid in Brussel: Is there a way out?, Location: Brussel
Hoeveel migranten zijn er in België? (opens in a new window)Hoeveel migranten zijn er in België?, Location: Ranst
Arrival infrastructures and migrant newcomers (opens in a new window)UCSIA Winter School: European solidarity in the making, Date: 2025/02/03 - 2025/02/07, Location: Antwerp
Particuliere opvang van Oekraïense vluchtelingen: Resultaten van een survey bij gastgezinnen (opens in a new window)IOM België Partnerdag en Conferentie: Steden en migratie, Location: Mechelen
Giving to God. Islamic charity in revolutionary times (Book review) (opens in a new window)Social Anthropology; 2020; Vol. 28; iss. 1; pp. 202 - 204
Social Work and the City. Urban Themes in 21st-Century Social Work (opens in a new window)Journal of Social Intervention : Theory and Practice; 2018; Vol. 27; iss. 7; pp. 7 - 11
Voedselhulp in naam van God (opens in a new window)Sociaal.Net; 2020
Island of hope. Migration and solidarity in the Mediterranean (opens in a new window)Social Anthropology; 2023; Vol. 31; iss. 1; pp. 109 - 110
Handbook of transnational families around the world (book review) (opens in a new window)European Journal Of Social Work; 2024; Vol. 27; iss. 6; pp. 1341 - 1343
Exploring welfare bricolage in Europe’s superdiverse neighbourhoods (opens in a new window)European Journal Of Social Work; 2023; Vol. 26; iss. 3; pp. 602 - 604
Radical hope: poverty-aware practice for social work (book review) (opens in a new window)European Journal Of Social Work; 2023; Vol. 26; iss. 5; pp. 970 - 971
Book review: Migration and the search for home: mapping domestic space in migrants’ everyday lives (opens in a new window)European Journal of Social Work; 2018; Vol. 21; iss. 5; pp. 791 - 792
Online gemeenschappen (opens in a new window)Het verhaal van één taal, één stad en drie continenten : de Angolese, Braziliaanse en Portugese bevolking van Brussel. ; 2011; pp. 86 - 88
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Sociaal schaduwwerk (opens in a new window)Basisboek sociaal werk: Activeren, ondersteunen en verbinden; 2024; pp. 325 - 341Spierings, Frans; Spierts, MarcelBoom; AmsterdamISBN: 9789024457724
Zelforganisaties in het Brusselse lokaal sociaal beleid (opens in a new window)Tijd voor sociaal beleid: Armoedebestrijding op lokaal niveau. Armoede en sociale uitsluiting: Jaarboek 2017 ; 2017; pp. 119 - 136Raeymaeckers, Peter; Noël, Charlotte; Boost, Didier; Vermeiren, Caroline; Coene, Jill; Van Dam, SylvieAcco; Leuven / Den HaagISBN: 978-94-6344-223-7
Transmigratie en sociaal werk (opens in a new window)#Sociaal werk; 2019; pp. 499 - 514Tirions, Michel; Raeymaeckers, Peter; Cornille, Annemie; Gibens, Steven; Boxstaens, Johan; Postma, YvonneAcco; LeuvenISBN: 978-94-6379-243-1
Denken over grenzen: Implicaties voor sociaal werk (opens in a new window)Denken over sociaal werk; 2021; pp. 113 - 126Raeymaeckers, Peter; Gradener, Jeroen; Van Dam, Sylvie; Botman, Sjoukje; Driessens, Kristel; Boxstaens, Johan; Tirions, MichelAcco; Leuven / Den HaagISBN: 9789464143638
Sociaal werk en de stad (opens in a new window)Denken over sociaal werk; 2021; pp. 325 - 337Raeymaeckers, Peter; Gradener, Jeroen; Van Dam, Sylvie; Botman, Sjoukje; Driessens, Kristel; Boxstaens, Johan; Tirions, MichelAcco; Leuven / Den HaagISBN: 9789464143638
Religieus gemotiveerde voedselhulp (opens in a new window)Voedselhulp onder protest: Bouwen aan een breed lokaal sociaal beleid; 2022; pp. 51 - 62Briels, Griet; Grymonprez, HansPoliteia; BrusselsISBN: 978-2-509-04126-5
Transnationale gezinnen (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie: Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; pp. 67 - 80Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarant; Antwerpen / ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3880-1
Bringing the transnational into social work (opens in a new window)The Routledge International Handbook of Transnational Studies; 2024; pp. 143 - 154Routledge; LondonISBN: 9781003329978DOI: 10.4324/9781003329978
Community Service Learning: An appropriate model for social work education in complex urban settings? Findings from Brussels (opens in a new window)Engaged Learning in Belgium; 2022; pp. 49 - 74Marsh, Courtney; Klima, NoëlMaklu; Antwerpen | Apeldoorn | PortlandISBN: 978-90-466-1144-9
Leren over, in en door diversiteit in service-learning, makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan?! (opens in a new window)Service-learning in hoger onderwijs: De samenleving als krachtige leeromgeving; 2025; pp. 165 - 178Somers, Kaat; Standaert, Nicolas; Mottart, MaaikeOwl Press; Gent
Politisering in een context van hybridisering (opens in a new window)Publiek gaan! Politiserend handelen in het sociaal werk; 2022; pp. 70 - 87Boone, Katrien; Boutsen, Timmy; De Corte, Joris; Dhont, Fred; Hermans, Koen; Plovie, Elke; Raeymaeckers, Peter; Rommel, Steven; Van Bouchaute, Bart; Vanderhulst, NeleGarantISBN: 9789044138733
Participant observation in migration studies: An overview and some emerging issues (opens in a new window)Qualitative research in European migration studies; 2018; pp. 209 - 225Zapata-Barrero, Ricard; Yalaz, EvrenSpringer; ChamISBN: 978-3-319-76860-1ISSN: 2364-4095DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76861-8_12
A constructive approach to radicalisation (Brussels, Belgium) (opens in a new window)Social work and challenges of urban diversity; 2020; pp. 32 - 37Hendriks, Peter; Kloppenburg, RaymondHogeschool Utrecht; Utrecht
Informele en formele sociaalwerkpraktijken als aankomstinfrastructuren voor nieuwkomers (opens in a new window)Sociaal schaduwwerk. Over informele spelers in het welzijnslandschap; 2019; pp. 147 - 158Schrooten, Mieke; Thys, Rebecca; Debruyne, PascalPoliteia; BrusselISBN: 978-2-509-03386-4
Introduction (opens in a new window)Reinforcing integration through sponsorship enhancement: Insights from Belgium, Italy and Lithuania; 2025; pp. 10 - 10Van Dam, Sylvie; Schrooten, MiekeInternational Organization for Migration; Vilnius
What is community sponsorship? (opens in a new window)Reinforcing integration through sponsorship enhancement: Insights from Belgium, Italy and Lithuania; 2025; pp. 11 - 14Van Dam, Sylvie; Schrooten, MiekeInternational Organization for Migration; Vilnius
Refugee reception and housing in Belgium (opens in a new window)Reinforcing integration through sponsorship enhancement: Insights from Belgium, Italy and Lithuania.; 2025; pp. 15 - 29Van Dam, Sylvie; Schrooten, MiekeInternational Organization for Migration; Vilnius
Reflection on the case studies (opens in a new window)Social work and challenges of urban diversity; 2020; pp. 59 - 64Hendriks, Peter; Kloppenburg, RaymondHogeschool Utrecht; Utrecht
Social work education and urban diversity (opens in a new window)Social work and challenges of human diversity; 2020; pp. 65 - 75Hendriks, Peter; Kloppenburg, RaymondHogeschool Utrecht; Utrecht
Transmigration: the rise of flexible migration strategies as part of superdiversity (opens in a new window)Superdiversity, policy and governance in Europe: Multi-scalar perspectives; 2020; pp. 100 - 121Phillimore, Jenny; Sigona, Nando; Tonkiss, KatherinePolicy Press; BristolISBN: 978-1-4473-5205-1
Discussion (opens in a new window)Reinforcing integration through sponsorship enhancement: Insights from Belgium, Italy and Lithuania; 2025; pp. 68 - 74Van Dam, Sylvie; Schrooten, MiekeInternational Organization for Migration; Vilnius
Migratie als actieve vormgever van beleid en sociaalwerkpraktijk (opens in a new window)Publiek gaan! Politiserend handelen in het sociaal werk; 2022; pp. 239 - 252Boone, Katrien; Boutsen, Timmy; De Corte, Joris; Dhont, Fred; Hermans, Koen; Plovie, Elke; Raeymaeckers, Peter; Rommel, Steven; Van Bouchaute, Bart; Vanderhulst, NeleGarantISBN: 978-90-441-3873-3
Het levensbeschouwelijk geïnspireerde solidariteitsveld in Vlaanderen (opens in a new window)God in de welvaartsstaat: religieus en levensbeschouwelijk geïnspireerde solidariteit in Vlaanderen; 2024; pp. 39 - 57Van Wymeersch, Elisabet; De Munck, BertAcco; Leuven & Den HaagISBN: 9789464676235
Transnational dynamics of family reunification: reassembling social work with refugees in Belgium (opens in a new window)Migration and social work: Approaches, visions and challenges; 2023; pp. 95 - 111Gómez-Ciriano, Emilio José; Cabiati, Elena; Dedotsi, SofiaPolicy Press; BristolISBN: 978-1-4473-6180-0DOI: 10.46692/9781447361831.007
De rol van religieus of levensbeschouwelijk geïnspireerde solidariteitsinitiatieven in armoedebestrijding (opens in a new window)Armoede en Sociale uitsluiting - Jaarboek 2022; 2022; pp. 329 - 344Acco; LeuvenISBN: 978-94-6379-924-9
Faith-based organizations (opens in a new window)International Encyclopedia of Civil Society; 2024; pp. 1 - 8List, Regina A; Anheier, Helmut K; Toepler, StefanCham; SpringerISBN: 978-3-319-99675-2DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99675-2_51-1
Religieuze solidariteit en de welvaartsstaat (opens in a new window)God in de welvaartsstaat: Religieus en levensbeschouwelijk geïnspireerde solidariteit in Vlaanderen; 2024; pp. 19 - 31Van Wymeersch, Elisabet; De Munck, BertAcco; Leuven & Den HaagISBN: 978-94-6467-623-5
Vluchtelingen: deserving versus undeserving? Verschillen in beleidsaanpak van opvang en inclusie tussen Oekrainers en andere mensen op de vlucht (opens in a new window)Armoede en ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023; 2023; pp. 153 - 171Coene, Jill; Ghys, Tuur; Hubeau, Bernard; Marchal, Sarah; Raeymaeckers, Peter; Remmen, Roy; Vandenhole, Wouter; Van Dooren, Wouter; Van Regemortel, HanneAcco; LeuvenISBN: 978-94-6467-452-1
Transmigratie. Hulpverlenen in een wereld van superdiversiteit (opens in a new window)Acco; LeuvenISBN: 9789462922716
Transmigration: Social work in a world of superdiversity (opens in a new window)Acco; Leuven / Den HaagISBN: 978 94 6292 713 1
Hybridisering in welzijn en zorg (opens in a new window)Kenniscentrum WWZ vzw; BrusselISBN: 9789464947823
Diversiteit in het hoger onderwijs: Van theoretisch kader naar praktijkgerichte verandering (opens in a new window)Pulinx, Reinhilde; Schrooten, Mieke; Emmers, ElkeAcademic and Scientific Publishers NV; BrusselISBN: 9789461171245
Sociaal schaduwwerk. Over informele spelers in het welzijnslandschap (opens in a new window)Schrooten, Mieke; Thys, Rebecca; Debruyne, PascalPoliteia; BrusselISBN: 978-2-509-03386-4
The relationship between religious inspired solidarity initiatives and civil society (opens in a new window)The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). 16-18 november 2023, Orlando Florida.; 2023The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). 16-18 november 2023, Orlando Florida., Date: 2023/11/16 - 2023/11/18, Location: Orlando Florida