Wie is wie
Mieke Groeninck
Campus Schaarbeek
Huart Hamoirlaan 136
1030 Brussel (Schaarbeek)
1030 Brussel (Schaarbeek)
- mieke.groeninck@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Medewerker Kenniscentrum HIG
- Lid Onderwijsteam Gezinswetenschappen - Campus Schaarbeek
- Lid Resonantieraad Gezinswetenschappen - Campus Schaarbeek
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Sociaal-Agogisch Werk
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
Ook de Belgische moslims zijn bang (opens in a new window)check-point.be (Canvas) ; 2015; iss. 16
Wij zijn voor pluralisme, als je maar op ons lijkt (opens in a new window)De Morgen ; 2013; iss. 29
Kijk uit naar jongeren met een lange baard! (opens in a new window)De Wereld Morgen ; 2013; iss. 30
De media over radicale moslims, n.a.v. Benyaich' boek (opens in a new window)De Wereld Morgen ; 2013; iss. 29
De oplossing? Ga op islamles of sportkamp (opens in a new window)De Morgen ; 2015; iss. 09
Zo zou een dialoog er kunnen uitzien, professor Vermeersch (opens in a new window)De Wereld Morgen. Blog uit de Community ; 2016
Terugblik op een week van reacties en oplaaiende discussies (opens in a new window)De Wereld Morgen. Blog uit de Community ; 2016
Van de Koran en het Wetboek. In de praktijk lukt samenleven wel (opens in a new window)De Standaard ; 2016; iss. 9; pp. 38 - 38
Deze opvangcrisis is niet opgelost als er geen kinderen meer op straat slapen (opens in a new window)Van Dam, Sylvie; Groeninck, Mieke; Van Acker, Kaat; Schrooten, Mieke
Islamic Knowledge and Pious Becoming among Maghrebian Muslims in the Region of Brussels (opens in a new window)Moroccan Migration in Belgium. More than 50 Years of Settlement ; 2017; pp. 347 - 366Timmerman, Chris; Fadil, Nadia; Clycq, Noël; Goddeeris, IdesbaldLeuven University PressISBN: 978-94-6270-116-8
Considering Internal Debates on 'Radicalism' within the Brussels' Islamic Community (opens in a new window)Radicalisation in Belgium and the Netherlands. Critical perspectives on violence and security; 2019; pp. 53 - 79Fadil, Nadia; de Koning, Martijn; Ragazzi, FransescoIB Tauris; LondonISBN: 978-1-7845-3889-7
Het recht op een gezinsleven. Herinnestelen of vernestelen tijdens en na gezinshereniging (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie. Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; Vol. 8; pp. 133 - 151Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarant; AntwerpenISBN: 9789044138801
Refugees in Belgium in times of superdiversity and transmigration. Resilient moves of children and adolescents (opens in a new window)Adolescence and Generational Dynamics in the Context of Migration and Flight.; 2023; pp. 159 - 176Springer VSISBN: 978-3-658-42009-3DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-42009-3_12
Moslims in België (opens in a new window)Inleiding tot de islam: Een levende traditie; 2024Amsterdam University PressISBN: 9789048558414
Ouderschap na de vlucht. Gezinsondersteuning in collectieve asielopvang (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie. Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; Vol. 8; pp. 113 - 131Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarant; AntwerpenISBN: 9789044138801
Vluchtelingen: deserving versus undeserving? Verschillen in beleidsaanpak van opvang en inclusie tussen Oekrainers en andere mensen op de vlucht (opens in a new window)Armoede en ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2023; 2023; pp. 153 - 171Coene, Jill; Ghys, Tuur; Hubeau, Bernard; Marchal, Sarah; Raeymaeckers, Peter; Remmen, Roy; Vandenhole, Wouter; Van Dooren, Wouter; Van Regemortel, HanneAcco; LeuvenISBN: 978-94-6467-452-1
De gezinsreflex als leidraad voor beleid en praktijk (opens in a new window)In verband met gezinnen. Het gezinsperspectief in beleid en praktijk; 2020; Vol. 6; pp. 269 - 292Garant; Antwerpen - ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3757-6
The Relationship between Words and Being in the World for Students of Qur'anic Recitation in Brussels (opens in a new window)Contemporary Islam ; 2016; Vol. 10; iss. 10; pp. 249 - 266
Introduction to Special Issue on "Exploring New Assemblages of Islamic Expert Education in Western Europe" (opens in a new window)Religions; 2020; Vol. 11; iss. 6
Islamic religious education at the heart of the secular problem-space in Belgium (opens in a new window)Social Compass; 2020; Vol. 68; iss. 1; pp. 25 - 41
Difference and negotiation from the borders: Islamic religious actors providing theological counternarratives for deradicalisation in Belgium (opens in a new window)Religion State & Society; 2021; Vol. 49; iss. 4-5; pp. 331 - 349
Academization of Pious Learning: A Student's Quest in Religious Education (opens in a new window)Religions; 2020; Vol. 11; iss. 6
Het vertelspel 'Wortelen in nieuwe aarde:' een methodiek die veerkracht bevorder bij vluchtelingenkinderen in de klas. (opens in a new window)Caleidoscoop; 2020; Vol. 32; iss. 3; pp. 37 - 46
(H)erkennen en bevorderen van veerkracht bij vluchtelingengezinnen: Handvatten voor de praktijk van onderwijs en welzijnswerk (opens in a new window)Welwijs: Wisselwerking Onderwijs en Welzijnswerk; 2020; Vol. 31; iss. 2; pp. 18 - 22
Holding hope and mastering the possible: mapping resilient moves of asylum-seeking and refugee families post arrival (opens in a new window)European Journal Of Social Work; 2022; Vol. 26; iss. 3
Resilience in Liminality: How Resilient Moves Are Being Negotiated by Asylum Seeking Families in the Liminal Context of Asylum Procedures (opens in a new window)Journal Of Refugee Studies; 2020; Vol. 33; iss. 2; pp. 358 - 370
De Kracht van "'Ilm": Islamitische Kennis en Kennisoverdracht bij Maghrebijnse Moslima's in Brussel (opens in a new window)CEMIS Conferentie 50 Jaar Marokkaanse Immigratie, Date: 2014/11/27 - 2014/11/27
Debates on Islamic knowledge acquisition among female students in mosque education (opens in a new window)Innovate forms of Islamic higher education in Western Europe: between scholarly and societal demands, Date: 2017/04/03 - 2017/04/04, Location: Leiden University
Adding an Ontological Dimension to the Ethical and/in the Everyday (opens in a new window)The Ethical and the Everyday: INterrogating Analytical Turns for/in the Study of Islam and Muslims in Europe, Date: 2018/11/29 - 2018/11/30, Location: Woolf Institute - University of Cambridge
From asylum crisis to a strength based approach of refugee families with children (opens in a new window)IMISCOE Conference on “Europe, Migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges”, Location: Barcelona
Resilience amongst asylum seeking and refugee families (opens in a new window)Summer School 'Refugee Families and Children in Europe', Location: Higher Institute for Family Studies (Odisee - Schaerbeek)
After Displacement: Building up resilience of refugee families (opens in a new window)IRiS Conference on 'Racial Displacements: Peripheries, Camps, Resistance", Location: University of Birmingham
(The aspiration for) imam education programs in Belgium (opens in a new window)AIWG Conference - Texts, Norms, and Practices of Islam, Date: 2022/06/23 - 2022/06/25, Location: Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Islamic religious actors providing theological counternarratives for deradicalisation in Belgium (opens in a new window)BRAIS Conference, Date: 2022/06/06 - 2022/06/07, Location: Edinburgh
Border Thinking on Islam (opens in a new window)The Madrasah and the modern academy: convergences, departures and possibilities for collaboration, Location: Online
Politico-theological counternarratives and(/or?) everyday piety (opens in a new window)AAA Annual conference, Location: Online
(Re)Configuring Iraqi, Afghan and Syrian Refugee Family Resilience in Belgium (opens in a new window)CESSMIR Conference on "Needs and Care Practices for Migrants and Refugees", Location: University of Ghent
Politics of 'ilm (opens in a new window)Interdisciplinary Conference on Religion in Everyday Lives, Date: 2014/01/28 - 2014/01/03, Location: Vienna, Austria
Politics of 'ilm. On Female Religious Authority (opens in a new window)Developing a sense of belonging: Hui-Muslims in China and Muslims in Europe, Date: 2014/01/14 - 2014/01/05, Location: Leuven
Remembering the Priority of Being (opens in a new window)NISIS Autumn School, Date: 2015/10/20 - 2015/10/23, Location: Amsterdam
Hardship as Opportunity (opens in a new window)LUCSoR Conference on Compassion, social engagement, and discontent, Date: 2016/11/10 - 2016/11/11, Location: Leiden University
Reforming the self, unveiling the world. Introducing the ontological turn in an anthropology of islamic piety (opens in a new window)CMS: ReOrienting the Post-Western: International Conference on Critical Muslim Studies, Location: University of Leeds
Resilience in refugee families: the peculiar position of accompanied minors (opens in a new window)VII International Congress on Migration and Mental Health, Location: Brussel
Veerkracht ondersteunen bij ouders en kinderen van vluchtelingengezinnen 0ntwikkeling methodiek : Inspired by the tree of life (opens in a new window)Symposium Trauma en cultuursensitief werken in de klas, departement Onderwijs en vorming, Date: 2018/11/30 - 2018/11/30, Location: Brussel
Resilience in liminality: How resilient moves are being negotiated by asylum seeking families (opens in a new window)resilience seminar, Date: 2019/11/26 - 2019/11/26, Location: Alkmaar
From Vulnerability to Resilience. Research on Afghan, Syrian and Iraqi Asylum Seeking and Refugee Families in Belgium (opens in a new window)IRiS International Conference 2018, Date: 2018/06/19 - 2018/06/20, Location: Birmingham
Towards more integrated approaches in Belgium (opens in a new window)IRiS International Conference 2018, Date: 2018/06/18 - 2018/06/19, Location: Birmingham
Welfare Bricolage beyond Boundaries. Reassembling social work within transnational dynamics of family reunification of refugees in Belgium (opens in a new window)IMISCOE-conference, Date: 2020/07/01 - 2020/07/02, Location: Luxemburg
Moralising refugees’ family-life: Contrasting conceptualizations of parenting and childhood from the perspectives of social professionals and families (opens in a new window)20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/07/06, Location: Warsaw, Poland
From Asylum Crisis to a Strength Based Approach of Refugee Families With Children (opens in a new window)IMISCOE Conference, Location: Malmö
Book Review: An Islam of Her Own. Reconsidering Religion and Secularism in Women's Islamic Movements (opens in a new window)Hizmet Study Review ; 2014; iss. 1; pp. 97 - 100
Veerkracht in beweging: Dynamieken van vluchtelingengezinnen versterken (opens in a new window)GarantISBN: 9789044136791