Wie is wie
Kaat Van Acker
Docente, onderzoekster en coördinator onderzoekscentrum
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
- kaat.vanacker@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderwijsteam Sociaal Werk - Campus Brussel
- Lid Onderwijsteam Gezinswetenschappen - Campus Schaarbeek
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Sociaal-Agogisch Werk
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
Twee jaar onderzoek: We wilden vluchtelingenkinderen een stem geven (opens in a new window)Welwijs: Wisselwerking Onderwijs en Welzijnswerk; 2019; Vol. 30; iss. 4; pp. 3 - 4
What I infer depends on who you are: The influence of stereotypes on trait and situational spontaneous inferences (opens in a new window)Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ; 2012; Vol. 48; iss. 6; pp. 1247 - 1256
The legacy of Nazism: Historical analogies and support for the far right (opens in a new window)Social Influence; 2014; Vol. 9; iss. 4; pp. 300 - 317
Bringing together acculturation theory and intergroup contact theory: Predictors of Flemings' expectations of Turks' acculturation behavior (opens in a new window)International Journal of Intercultural Relations ; 2011; Vol. 35; iss. 3; pp. 334 - 335
Heritage culture maintenance precludes host culture adoption and vice versa: Flemings’ perceptions of Turks’ acculturation behavior (opens in a new window)Group Processes & Intergroup Relations ; 2012; Vol. 15; iss. 1; pp. 133 - 145
Recht en veerkracht na de vlucht: een welzijnsperspectief op vluchtelingengezinnen met kinderen (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Jeugd en Kinderrechten; 2018; iss. 3; pp. 260 - 273
Beyond the ethnic-civic dichotomy: Cultural citizenship as a new way of excluding immigrants (opens in a new window)Political Psychology; 2013; Vol. 34; iss. 4; pp. 611 - 630
Het vertelspel 'Wortelen in nieuwe aarde:' een methodiek die veerkracht bevorder bij vluchtelingenkinderen in de klas. (opens in a new window)Caleidoscoop; 2020; Vol. 32; iss. 3; pp. 37 - 46
"They are all the same": Low perceived typicality and outgroup disapproval as buffers of intergroup threat in mass media (opens in a new window)International Journal of Intercultural Relations; 2013; Vol. 37; iss. 2; pp. 146 - 158
(H)erkennen en bevorderen van veerkracht bij vluchtelingengezinnen: Handvatten voor de praktijk van onderwijs en welzijnswerk (opens in a new window)Welwijs: Wisselwerking Onderwijs en Welzijnswerk; 2020; Vol. 31; iss. 2; pp. 18 - 22
Participatory action research and urban social work: Strategies for navigating the challenges of participation and reciprocation (opens in a new window)Journal of Social Intervention : Theory and Practice; 2021; Vol. 30; iss. 1; pp. 3 - 21
Holding hope and mastering the possible: mapping resilient moves of asylum-seeking and refugee families post arrival (opens in a new window)European Journal Of Social Work; 2022; Vol. 26; iss. 3
Resilience in Liminality: How Resilient Moves Are Being Negotiated by Asylum Seeking Families in the Liminal Context of Asylum Procedures (opens in a new window)Journal Of Refugee Studies; 2020; Vol. 33; iss. 2; pp. 358 - 370
Do “they” threaten “us” or do “we” disrespect “them”: Majority perceptions of intergroup relations and everyday contacts with immigrant minorities (opens in a new window)Group Processes & Intergroup Relations ; 2014; Vol. 17; iss. 5; pp. 617 - 628
Deze opvangcrisis is niet opgelost als er geen kinderen meer op straat slapen (opens in a new window)Van Dam, Sylvie; Groeninck, Mieke; Van Acker, Kaat; Schrooten, Mieke
Emoties (opens in a new window)Crossculturele psychologie; 2023; pp. 128 - 139AccoISBN: 9789464149999
Entitativity (opens in a new window)Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations ; 2010; pp. 238 - 241Levine, John M; Hogg, Michael ASage; Thousand Oaks, CAISBN: 9781412942089
Ethnicity and migration in Europe (opens in a new window)International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition); 2015; pp. 142 - 147Chryssochoou, Xenia; Berry, JohnElsevierISBN: 9780080970868DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.24040-3SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84991013496
The impact of intergroup comparisons on ingroup and outgroup perceptions of entitativity and homogeneity (opens in a new window)Percursos da investigação em psicologia social e organizacional [Research directions in social and organizational psychology] ; 2011; pp. 75 - 87Roberto, MS; Batista, MT; Santos, MH; Morais, R; Costa, RS; Lima, MLEdições Colibri; Lisbon
Parentificatie na migratie: Veerkracht en kwetsbaarheid wanneer vluchtelingenkinderen zorgen voor hun gezin (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie: Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; Vol. 8; pp. 155 - 170Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarantISBN: 9789044138801
Vluchtelingen: veelbesproken maar weinig gekend? (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie: Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; pp. 89 - 101Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarantISBN: 978-90-441-3880-1
Acculturatie (opens in a new window)Crossculturele psychologie; 2023; pp. 156 - 167AccoISBN: 9789464149999
Hoe leven kinderen en gezinnen in de asielopvang? (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie: Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; pp. 103 - 118Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarantISBN: 978-90-441-3880-1
Transnational dynamics of family reunification: reassembling social work with refugees in Belgium (opens in a new window)Migration and social work: Approaches, visions and challenges; 2023; pp. 95 - 111Gómez-Ciriano, Emilio José; Cabiati, Elena; Dedotsi, SofiaPolicy Press; BristolISBN: 978-1-4473-6180-0DOI: 10.46692/9781447361831.007
De dringende nood aan een ont-witting van het gezinsbeleid (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na mgiratie. Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; Vol. 8; pp. 273 - 290Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarant; Antwerpen-ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3880-1
De complexe connecties tussen formele welzijnsorganisaties en informele zorgnetwerking: Somalische zelforganisaties en een Vlaams Wijkgezondheidscentrum (opens in a new window)Sociaal schaduwwerk; 2019; pp. 175 - 187Schrooten, Mieke; Debruyne, Pascal; Thys, RebeccaPoliteiaISBN: 978-2-509-03386-4
Hoe emoties verschillen tussen culturen (opens in a new window)Handboek Culturele Psychiatrie en Psychotherapie; 2020; pp. 163 - 178Van Dijk, Rob; De Jong, JoopBoom; Utrecht, NLISBN: 9789024431984
Ouderschap na de vlucht. Gezinsondersteuning in collectieve asielopvang (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie. Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; Vol. 8; pp. 113 - 131Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarant; AntwerpenISBN: 9789044138801
Siblingrelaties bij migratie en vlucht (opens in a new window)Broer of zus, de match van je leven. Fairness in siblingrelaties.; 2021; Vol. 7; pp. 186 - 198Schepers, Sanne; Emmery, Kathleen; Loosveldt, GianniGarant; BrusselISBN: 9789044138146
De gezinsreflex als leidraad voor beleid en praktijk (opens in a new window)In verband met gezinnen. Het gezinsperspectief in beleid en praktijk; 2020; Vol. 6; pp. 269 - 292Garant; Antwerpen - ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3757-6
Flanders' real and present threat: How representations of intergroup relations shape attitudes towards Muslim minorities (opens in a new window)Vanbeselaere, Norbert; Phalet, Karen; Mesquita, Batja
Cultuur en emoties: Omgaan met gevoelens in hulpverlening (opens in a new window)Internationale Dag Thomas More Hogeschool, Location: Online
Migratie, (identiteits)ontwikkeling, ouderschap en de betekenis van emoties (opens in a new window)Najaars symposium transculturele psychiatrie NVvP, Location: Webinar
Cultuur en emoties: omgaan met gevoelens in interculturele therapie (opens in a new window)Actuele thema’s uit de praktijk van de culturele psychiatrie en psychotherapie, Location: Online symposium
Wortelen in nieuwe aarde (opens in a new window)EXPOO congres 't zal welzijn', Date: 2019/12/06 - 2019/12/06, Location: België
Crossing Borders (opens in a new window)Studievoormiddag Virtual Mobility, Location: Online
Transfer effects of group-based guilt: Historical analogy WWII and attitudes towards Muslims (opens in a new window)Joint BAPS-SEPEX Meeting, Date: 2012/05/10 - 2012/05/11, Location: Liege, Belgium
Veerkracht ondersteunen bij ouders en kinderen van vluchtelingengezinnen. Ontwikkeling van een methodiek. Inspirede by the Tree of life (opens in a new window)denkdag PWO onderzoek : veerkracht ondersteunen bij gezinnen op de vlucht, Date: 2018/12/07, Location: Huart Hamoirlaan 136 Schaarbeek
The impact of social comparison on perceived entitativity and homogeneity (opens in a new window)Phd meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology, Date: 2009/05/28 - 2009/05/29, Location: Lisbon, Portugal
How collective emotions about one’s ingroup’s history affect present tolerance of ethno-cultural diversity (opens in a new window)Annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Date: 2011/07/01 - 2011/07/01, Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Leven als gezin in een collectief opvangcentrum: Uitdagingen voor ouderschap en kind-zijn. (opens in a new window)Vlaams-Nederlands sociaal werk congres, Location: Antwerpen
Narratives of parenthood and childhood among refugee families residing in collective reception centers: On declining parental agency and institutionalized forms of parentification. (opens in a new window)ECSWR conference “Social work research through and towards human relationships”., Date: 2023/04/12 - 2023/04/14, Location: Milaan
Samen opvangcentra veiliger maken: Welke plaats voor de beleving en het perspectief van kinderen in sociaal werk? (opens in a new window)Vlaams-Nederlandse Conferentie Onderzoek Sociaal Werk en Pedagogiek, Location: Brussel
Keynote: Etre un enfant (et une famille) en centre d’accueil (opens in a new window)Quel Accueil?, Location: Brussels
Wat asielzoekers en opvangmedewerkers delen: Parallelle overlevingsstrategieën bij ouders en opvangmedewerkers in tijden van opvangcrisis (opens in a new window)Associatiedag Sociaalwerkonderzoek, Location: Leuven
Resilience in liminality: How resilient moves are being negotiated by asylum seeking families (opens in a new window)resilience seminar, Date: 2019/11/26 - 2019/11/26, Location: Alkmaar
Children “in-between”. The challenges, opportunities and ambiguities of asylum-seeking children and their (transnational) families in reception centres in Belgium (opens in a new window)18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Date: 2021/07/07 - 2021/07/09, Location: Luxembourg
Emotions as mediators of prejudice-reduction after intergroup contact (opens in a new window)Bi-annual meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Date: 2009/08/01 - 2009/08/01, Location: Leuven, Belgium
The use of distinct symbolic, welfare, demographic, and safety threat frames as arguments for restrictive integration policies in Flemish politics and media (opens in a new window)Conference on discrimination and tolerance, Date: 2010/07/01 - 2010/07/03, Location: Jena, Germany
Do "they" threaten "us" or do "we" disrespect "them"? How shared understandings of intergroup relations shape majority members' interactions with minorities.interactions (opens in a new window)Joint BAPS-SEPEX Meeting, Date: 2012/05/10 - 2012/05/11, Location: Liege, Belgium
Resilience in refugee families: the peculiar position of accompanied minors (opens in a new window)VII International Congress on Migration and Mental Health, Location: Brussel
Veerkracht ondersteunen bij ouders en kinderen van vluchtelingengezinnen 0ntwikkeling methodiek : Inspired by the tree of life (opens in a new window)Symposium Trauma en cultuursensitief werken in de klas, departement Onderwijs en vorming, Date: 2018/11/30 - 2018/11/30, Location: Brussel
The use of freedom, equality and tolerance as arguments to defend and oppose Islamic veiling (opens in a new window)The Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (GPIR) preconference of the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Date: 2010/01/28 - 2010/01/28, Location: Las Vegas, United States
Anxiety during interethnic interactions: behavioral implications and the role of participants’ (opens in a new window)Annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science, Date: 2011/05/27 - 2011/05/27, Location: Gent, Belgium
Europe’s real and present threat: An analysis of models of diversity in Flemish-Belgium (opens in a new window)Annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Date: 2011/07/01 - 2011/07/01, Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Welfare Bricolage beyond Boundaries. Reassembling social work within transnational dynamics of family reunification of refugees in Belgium (opens in a new window)IMISCOE-conference, Date: 2020/07/01 - 2020/07/02, Location: Luxemburg
Acculturation orientations, intergroup contact and outgroup affect among Flemish adolescents (opens in a new window)Jena workshop on intergroup processes: Positive behavior between social groups: Processes, problems and promises, Date: 2008/06/19 - 2008/06/23, Location: Jena, Germany
We are all multicultural in our own way: Cultural models of diversity in Flanders (opens in a new window)Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Date: 2010/01/28 - 2010/01/30, Location: Las Vegas, United States
The irony of empathy: Emotional consequences of perspective taking in interethnic interactions (opens in a new window)Bi-annual meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Date: 2011/08/01 - 2011/08/01, Location: Kyoto, Japan
Anxiety and respect during interethnic interactions: behavioral implications and their effect on the interaction partners’ experience (opens in a new window)General meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Date: 2011/07/12 - 2011/07/16, Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Europe's real and present threat: An analysis of models of diversity in Flemish-Belgium (opens in a new window)Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Date: 2012/01/26 - 2012/01/28, Location: San Diego, United States
Framing cultural diversity: The role of media messages of intergroup threat in changing intergroup attitudes and challenging integration policies. (opens in a new window)12th Jena Workshop on Intergroup Processes: “Threat and intergroup relations”, Date: 2009/06/30 - 2009/07/04, Location: Jena, Germany
Moralising refugees’ family-life: Contrasting conceptualizations of parenting and childhood from the perspectives of social professionals and families (opens in a new window)20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/07/06, Location: Warsaw, Poland
Families hosting Ukrainian refugees in Belgium. Challenges for social work and policy (opens in a new window)12th European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR), Date: 2023/04/12 - 2023/04/14, Location: Milan, Italy
#PlekVrij: Een onderzoek naar de ervaringen van gastgezinnen van Oekraïense vluchtelingen in België (opens in a new window)1ste Onderzoeksdag Sociaal Werk Associatie KU Leuven, Location: Leuven
Etre un enfant en centre d'accueil (opens in a new window)ACCO LEARN; LeuvenISBN: 9789464149685
Kind zijn in een asielcentrum: Kansen versterken voor gezinnen na de vlucht (opens in a new window)Acco; LeuvenISBN: 9789463799188
Veerkracht in beweging: Dynamieken van vluchtelingengezinnen versterken (opens in a new window)GarantISBN: 9789044136791
Gezinnen na migratie. Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving (opens in a new window)Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarant; Antwerpen-ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3880-1