Wie is wie
Davy De Winne
Technologiecampus Gent
Gebroeders de Smetstraat 1
9000 Gent
9000 Gent
- davy.dewinne@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid onderwijsteam Elektronica-ICT - Technologiecampus Gent
- Lid kernteam Elektronica-ICT - Technologiecampus Gent
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep (Bio)Technologie
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
Advanced user testing with biometric sensors (opens in a new window)HCI International 2022 Conference, Location: Online
Improving communication between patient & caregivers (opens in a new window)UXD for Healthcare, Location: Amsterdam
Zo ontwerp je een gebruiksvriendelijke digitale applicatie (opens in a new window)Input/output VLHORA, Location: Online
Discover the WINGS platform (opens in a new window)Light up your entrepreneurship, Date: 2015/01/29 - 2015/01/29, Location: Ghent
Geavanceerde user & usability testing van digitale applicaties (opens in a new window)lezing Syntra, Location: online
Ontwerpen van een gebruiksvriendelijke digitale applicatie (opens in a new window)INPUT/OUTPUT Research & Innovation Training Programme, Location: online
Improving communication between patient & caregivers (opens in a new window)UXD for Healthcare, Location: London
Evaluation of the NeoParent-application to support parents with a baby on neonatology. A pilot study in four Flemish hospitals (opens in a new window)CARE4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Location: Online
Supporting parents with a baby on neonatology through the NeoParent-application. A pilot study in four Flemish hospitals (opens in a new window)Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Date: 2023/10/02 - 2023/10/04, Location: Reykjavik
Supporting parents with a baby on neonatology through the NeoParent-application. A pilot study in four Flemish hospitals (opens in a new window)Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies, Date: 2023/09/19 - 2023/09/23, Location: Rome
user experience in production environment (opens in a new window)Etion Production Corner, Location: Ghent
Mobile Health (mHealth) applications: A challenge in future health care. Experience from the NeoParent App research project (opens in a new window)6th EMA Education Conference, Date: 2019/11/29 - 2019/11/30, Location: Malmö
Development of a digital, high-quality and user-friendly platform for families with (ex-) premature infants (opens in a new window)Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies, Date: 2023/09/19 - 2023/09/23, Location: Rome
Development of a digital, high-quality and user-friendly platform for families with (ex-) premature infants (opens in a new window)CARE4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Date: 2024/02/05 - 2024/02/06, Location: Antwerpen
Mobile Health (mHealth) applications: A challenge in future health care. Experience from the NeoParent App research project (opens in a new window)3rd CARE4 – International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Congress 2019, Date: 2019/02/04 - 2019/02/06, Location: Leuven
User experience in production environments (opens in a new window)Etion - Production corner, Location: Ghent
Testing UX in digital applications (opens in a new window)Etion Sales Corner, Location: Ghent
The User Experience Lab explained (opens in a new window)Syntra - UX course, Location: Antwerp
Mobile Health (mHealth) applications: A challenge in future health cae. Experience from the NeoParent App research project (opens in a new window)7th SCENE symposium, Date: 2019/11/08 - 2019/11/09, Location: Budapest
Research about (UX) Research (opens in a new window)UX-Ghent - Research Edition, Date: 2024/04/25 - 2024/04/25, Location: Technologiecampus Gent - Odisee
Internet use, needs and expectations of digital information and communication of Flemish women during the postpartum (opens in a new window)European Congress on Intrapartum Care: Making Birth Safer, Date: 2017/05/25 - 2017/05/27, Location: Stockholm
Odisee lanceert app voor ouders van vroeggeboren kinderen (opens in a new window)De Standaard; 2018Tency, Inge; De Winne, Davy
Odisee ontwikkelt een App voor zorg bij vroeggeboorte (opens in a new window)Lochristinaar.com; 2018Tency, Inge; De Winne, Davy
Vlaamse scholen onder de leesscan (opens in a new window)Fons; 2022; Vol. 7; iss. 2; pp. 26 - 29