European Observatory on Family Policy

Established in January 2022, the 'European Observatory on Family Policy' is a joint project of COFACE Families Europe and the Centre for Family Sciences. It aims to be a platform for identifying trends and priorities in family policy in EU Member States, developing innovative frameworks to analyse family policy, and bridging academics, policymakers and family organisations.

Webinar and report

On 15/11/2023, we organised our first webinar on which we presented the first report of this centre: 'Towards greater family policy integration across Europe'. This first Observatory report compares family policy in five EU countries: Belgium (Flanders), Poland, Finland, Germany and Italy.

Did you miss the webinar? You can check out the presentation delivered by Martino Serapioni.

About the European Observatory

In the period 2022-2023, the European Observatory has been working on a monitoring report on the policy instruments that support families in the first years of children's lives. The focus on 'early years' has been increasing in recent years, with the Council Recommendation on high-quality early childhood education and care systems (2019), the EU Child Guarantee (2021) and the EU Care Strategy (2022). The report analyses the coordination between policies on leave arrangements, childcare, early childhood education and family support, based on data from various sources (including EU/national databases, existing family policy research, EU/OECD reports), complemented by five case studies in Belgium (Flanders), Poland, Finland, Germany and Italy. The report was published and presented on 15/11/2023.


Who is who?

Coördinator: Martino Serapioni

Research team:

  • Elizabeth Gosme, Anne-Mie Drieskens for COFACE
  • Kathleen Emmery, Tanja Nuelant and Jos Sterckx for our research centre

Research period: Jan 2022-2025

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