Start Business management

BBM Welcome day - Friday 20/09/2024

At the start of the academic year, we’ll be organizing a  welcome day for our BBM Program (Bachelor of Business Management) . During that day you’ll get a first introduction to your lecturers and Odisee as a whole. 

Attending this first official day is mandatory and will consist among others of:

  • General presentation (intro by Head of BBM program; getting to know STUVO/Ombuds/Counseling service, ...)
  • Essential information for your first 2 weeks at BBM (from our BBM1/2 Coaches)
  • Campus tour, with/by BBM senior students
  • CITY GAME in 16 groups to connect with other starting  BBM students & senior 

Not only will this session help you take an easy start to your academic career, it will also be your first contact with both professors, fellow & senior students.

When & where?
On FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20th, starting at 9:30AM. Please arrive on time. Event will finish approx. by 5:00/5:30pm

Registration required!
Email invitation with registration form will be sent out beforehand (to students firstly registered for BBM-program), so please keep an eye on your mailbox. 

Studenten zittend in het gras

Good to know

Start Academic Year

The first official day of the upcoming academic year is Monday September 23, 2024 at 8:30AM.
This is when classes will be starting up too (the Friday beforehand the BBM Welcome Day takes place, as mentioned above).

What does this mean?

During the first week of lectures, you will receive information on our learning platforms (Toledo), student services, course materials and the relationship between lecturers and students.

Interactivity is our middle name, which implies (depending on the circumstances) that we will be offering a mix of online and on campus lectures. 

You can consult your individual class schedule here (select stage 1 or 2 or 3 on top of the page to find  program for specific stage)